It only seems a few days ago since the last school bell rang, but then all of a sudden, there it goes again!
And with it, a fresh new year. A rush of new faces both in the classroom and in the staffroom and a whole new set of challenges and opportunities.
At Inspiring Teaching, we take our name very seriously and we thought we’d share a couple of our favourite inspirational quotes for this time of year. We’ve chosen two from two highly inspirational women (in their very different ways).
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” - Malala Yousafzai.
“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” – Taylor Swift.
We’d love to hear from you what you find inspiring this week and what you’re using in the classroom this term.
We’ll offer a prize and share the best ones here. Email us today at info@inspringteaching.co.uk.